

WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2007
Beverly Hills CA
The Zapper looks really cool but I dont no what its 4 ??:shocked:
What games is the Zapper 4 and If you no tell me...
I want to no what games you use it 4 and whether or not I should get it??
I bought the Zapper yesterday. So far I like it. There are two ways to use the zapper the first has the Nunchuck connected to it, and you hold it like a Tommy Gun. I perfer that combo myself. the second has you holding the Zapper like a pistol, and the Nunchuck in the oppisite hand.
It comes with Link's Crossbow Training, wich is not a bad game. It mostly teaches you how to shoot and move with the Zapper.
It is ok to hold on to and is easy to get on to target with. I have tried the game with just the Wii and my on target time did improve.

Correct me if I am wrong but so far theonly games that I can think of that support the Zapper are MOHH2, RE: The Umbrella Chronicles, and Ghost Squad.
The box says that the games that support the Zapper are marked with a picture of it on the back.
Overall I like it.
USmC this is true but dont expect alot of games for the wiizapper
I'd imagine holding the zapper like a tommygun would be harder to throw grenades in MOHH2
Yeah I have not figured out how the grenade throwing thing is going to work.
As far as the making of a lot of games well, that may be true.
I just like it because I like FPS.
The Wii Zapper blows for Umbrella Chronicles. It's due to the button placement. Pass on the zapper and buy Mario Galaxy for X-mas... If you can find a copy, the game has sold over 500,000 units in the US alone. If you have spare cash, and already got Mario Galaxy, consider getting Resident Evil UC, or another Wii Remote before touching the zapper.
is moh better with the zapper? i dont have either yet but im planning on getting them both maybe, does moh feel better using the zapper or weird?
usmc2003 said:
Correct me if I am wrong but so far the only games that I can think of that support the Zapper are MOHH2, RE: The Umbrella Chronicles, and Ghost Squad.
The box says that the games that support the Zapper are marked with a picture of it on the back.
Overall I like it.

Please, no one take this the wrong way - I am just curious.... I do not quite understand why this question is asked - I mean, the zapper is just a shell, and can be used while separate from the nunchuck, so technically, it's compatible with EVERY game - it doesn't EXCLUDE anything....

It's like asking, i bought a red colored controller - now, what games is it compatible with?....

With the zapper, I suppose some games would be more difficult, if it wasn't 'designed' with the zapper in mind but that's about it....

Maybe I am missing something... Just let me know....


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the zapper is like a fake gun that you see in arcades like the game time crises. so your in your living room mowing people down i think this is really interactive.
tman said:
The Zapper looks really cool but I dont no what its 4 ??:shocked:
...You're kidding....

If I may quote myself, quoting myself...

Kumoriken said:
If I may quote myself...
Kumoriken said:
And this is why WiiChat fails.
****in' idiotic, illiterate pre-teens flooded the forums making pointless or just plain stupid posts.

Kumoriken said:
...You're kidding....

If I may quote myself, quoting myself...

Hahaha... Pwned... I agree how can you ask a question like that, I mean look at it, but I could be wrong maybe you never saw a picture or anything.
Yeah everyone knows it is a shell. ( I hope).
for me it is just easier to answer in the same language that the question is asked in just to avoid confusion.

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