'Young Love'


Dec 27, 2006
Okay so.. often ya see teenagers in love and the older generation will go 'it's just puppy love'.

So what with it being Valentines Day and all I was wondering what your opinions were on this. Do you think they can be? Do you think that they just 'think' their in love and they wouldn't know because their too young?

Personally I think they can be. Yes there are a lot of them that act although their in love and the relationship will last about a week. But there are teenagers who can be in love for real. My aunt started seeing this guy when she was in like the first your of comp and they ended up getting married and being together for years.

Yes I'm in a relationship that's been like anything else I've ever experienced and I to believe that I'm in love..well actually I know that I am, so I do think teenagers can be.
I've had a girlfriend for awhile now, but I wouldn't say we've gotten as far as the love level. I really just think the majority of kids like to call it love, but really are in love with idea rather than the person because most of them split too easily...and love doesn't just quit itself so easily.
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Yes the holiday is stupid. But teenagers can be in love. But most are just in..well..im gonnna call it a emotionless relation ship....naa that doesnt make much sense but you know what i mean. My sister has been going out wit this guy since she was in grade 11 and there gonna get married soon. She's 23.
i think the younger teenagers don't have the maturity to understand what love is, i was in love, and you know when you are, it's a crazy thing, and you sure miss it.
bubba-ga-nush said:
Yes the holiday is stupid. But teenagers can be in love. But most are just in..well..im gonnna call it a emotionless relation ship....naa that doesnt make much sense but you know what i mean. My sister has been going out wit this guy since she was in grade 11 and there gonna get married soon. She's 23.
Yeah I agree completely.
Some teens are just lovinfor lovin.
That way the change that.
I think it completely depends on the people in love and that it's entirely unfair for older people to judge a couple just simply because of their age.

That being said...I know there are many immature young couples who don't necessarily understand how to handle a relationship properly, but it doesn't mean they're not worthy of trying.

I believe everyone has a different view on what love is and being so, nobody has the right to tell a couple if they're truly in love or not. In fact, I have met many younger couples who act more mature than couples who have been married for 20 years. I've seen teen couples treat eachother better than a middle-aged couple during a fight (Example: they don't put eachother down and speak with caution not to hurt their loved one)

To me...

Love is based only on one's inner-self. There are so many different types of love, so it'd be unfair for people to judge everyone and put things in a black and white way; which most of us know, love is and life is definantly multi-colored and not as simple as black and white. I also believe in meant-to-bes. The connection between two human beings can be so strong that it creates an actual force in which they pull toward one another. It's unexplainable but very real. Some people just connect, they spark and they soak up eachother's energy like a thirsty flower on a hot summer day. This energy knows no age, connecting with another soul knows no age, love knows no age - it just is and always will be. Some things just are, and this is one of them. There doesn't always need to be a reason for everything. Sometimes the reason for the reason is as simple as simplicity - in other words - some things just are and that's the only reason that is needed.

The definition of love to me:

Is that there is no definition. Sometimes there are things in this world that are so great, so wonderful that we as humans cannot understand them. It's hard for us to accept concepts of things that are eternal - especially things we can't see. I believe that people should stop worrying so much on WHAT love is and trying to figure out how to explain it but rather they should feel it instead. Love is something you must feel and not everything in the world must be clouded with constant talking and explaining like some may believe is necessary but is truly very pointless. Us as humans get confused and our confusion leads to frustration, which in turn, forces us to want to know an answer to everything. The moment one finds themselves speechless and flustered because they love another so much but can't find the words - have in fact, found the exact words.

There are other languages in which to explain things in this world. No, I don't mean Japanese, Korean, English, Spanish etc....

What I mean is the language of the spirit and soul....and within this language is what I like to call.....................

The language of LOVE.
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WeToYou said:
Any relationships before 19 are pointless.

I wouldn't agree with you there, I know a guy who's 18 and has been with his girlfriend for four years and they are very much still in love, so yeah..a four year relationship can't be 'pointless'
WeToYou said:
Any relationships before 19 are pointless.
i know people that were 18, met, were so madly in love with each other, they got married 5 months later. they make such a good couple.
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Woah.. marrying after 5 months is a bit of a rush lol! But if they are happy and in love then hey..what the heck.. how long have they been together for now?
Puppy love is ok
Its just when its younger than 16 it becomes Pedo love then that person is hated by every one

But there is also mony love when someone marrys some one just for there money (Anna nicol smith anyone)
surfinrach90 said:
Woah.. marrying after 5 months is a bit of a rush lol! But if they are happy and in love then hey..what the heck.. how long have they been together for now?

My friend's sister is getting married to some guy from some south american country in a week whom she's only known for a month. So yeah.....

I think if you're really in love you can wait it out, too much love at one time can spoil a relationship.
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