yo action replay awesome

action replay is dangerous, expensive, not worth it, and it's a bad way to cheat. (corrupted my data on my DS). I don't know if it works well on the consoles though.
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  • #3
you dont cheat you do stuff you cant do not cheat
I'm just saying i'd rather get a good game on the wii then a cheating device =/.
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  • #5
oh sory for some reason before i saw your post and it didnt say anything about ds or consoles weird......... now it just showed up
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  • #6
also you use it after you beat a game to it is fun
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  • #7
now it say on the first 2 posts it says i have 153 post than it says now 155 for my last 2 posts!
yes yes..that could be good, but i'll have to see how other people rate it. Cause i've bought action replay on my DS. It screwed up my data badly. And i don't want anything to happen to my Wii.
would you guys use a free loader if they developed one for the wii?
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  • #11
well it would be fun to use it in brawl

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