yes a japan conference now


Jul 29, 2006
Wii Online Code
Ok i found this on

September 1st, 2006

Well here it is, the news I have been waiting for. We had the US and Europe jumping on the “Nintendo press event” bandwagon, and now you can add Japan to the list. A couple of our readers (Zoora and Creamsugar) got in touch to show me a couple links talking about a Nintendo press event in Japan come September 14th. The reports stem from a news article over at Yahoo Business of Japan. The article states that there is a very good chance of Wii price point/release date info coming from this event. The week of September 14th is going to be one hell of a week for Nintendo fans! I think that just about wraps up today for me..catch u guys in a few hours!"

oh yes it is true it this this is d-day any ways yo guys talk about it
WOOHOO!! ITS CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks i appreciate this find:D
crazii_for_wii said:
sweet good job! thanks alot man. now all i have to do is wait for september 14th... :(
Lets just hope it's not going to be like the GC, man if u guys remembe i was sick *cough* and i wasted like my whole day on the computer just on like 10 tabs of firefox just continually refreshing. But this time ive got a feeling....Yes it is the same feeling as last time but the Wii's release date will be released at these conferences! Also, i dont understand the point of 3 days in a row of conferences? If u guys know plz tell me beside that you can listen to it in another language

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