Xpert Eleven


WiiChat Member
Apr 1, 2007
Well i was looking for anybody who wants to play this. Its an free online football league thing, very simple where you manage your on team, you need to register for it then on the left of the page is something called search. go to that and put in this as my league id 90654, and apply for my league, theres 4 teams already established that need a manager, then anyone else can start there own team. Please, i need more manager in th league before i can start a new season.
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Woot 2 new faces, awsome, Kiwi if you have any problems, and this go's to anyone who joins my league, just contact me on xpert eleven(darkprince8, manager name) or here, il gladly help you, if im not online, xpert have a very simple guide to it on the site, i learned everything from that, reading it can really help you out when your starting the game, helps you decide what tactics to play agianst teams, so if you need help, contact me or check out there guide, also my msn is widzy14@hotmail.com, you can contact me on that also:smilewinkgrin:

Currently have 20 teams in the league, 4 teams need a manager, so if your joining can you please ask to take over an exsisting team, its easier on new comers as the team will have better players making it easier for you to win=) after those are filled new comers may start there own teams, also if your taking over an existing team, you can change the name and the strip, so you can still have your own team really, not as if you gotta stick with the name or strip=P
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Cmon only 4 people are needed, more people join please, really want to get this season started for next week.

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