Xbox Wii Plug

A month ago I would have thought that they were just cartoon faces but the mag is from March 2007 so by now the editors should know about Mii's. I think it's a fluke (but funny).
dunno about a fluke, they are definately mii characters.

i dont know how much there is to it though....maybe the fables wii60 idea is going official!

(obviously its not, it was just a silly comment really :rolleyes: )
Very interesting, I dont think its a stab to sony really, but they are giving the Wii props.
they also mite have just thought it looked neat n used it with no strings attached?
yeah i guess if someone didnt have a life they mite - y do people find it hard to accept that they wanted to just us a Mii in their magazine cause they look kinda cool?

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