Xbox 360 now losing to Wii in sales!


Wii Master
Jun 6, 2007
Wii Online Code
7553-1836-2358-1613 has just announced that the Wii has sold more consoles than the Xbox 360.
Unlike many other websites (which use manufacturer shipment figures and reports to estimate current console sales), VG Chartz collects data directly from retailers all over the world. Retailer sample sizes are small compared to professional tracking services, but are large enough to provide very accurate projections of the latest console sell through figures worldwide.
rofl you think vgchartz are accurate? they have a Z in their website title. dont decide whos winning over silly console sales everyone makes up. but, you shouldve posted this in a wii section because us people in the 360 section (im pretty sure i speak for everyone on this) could care less whos winning as long as we get the awesome games, which we are, while wii owners have next to nothing so far. but congrats to the wii, with the ds already out its obvious the wii was and is going to sell like hot cakez.
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Sovieto said:
rofl you think vgchartz are accurate? they have a Z in their website title. dont decide whos winning over silly console sales everyone makes up. but, you shouldve posted this in a wii section because us people in the 360 section (im pretty sure i speak for everyone on this) could care less whos winning as long as we get the awesome games, which we are, while wii owners have next to nothing so far. but congrats to the wii, with the ds already out its obvious the wii was and is going to sell like hot cakez.

You are an what if they have a z in their title? It is more accurate than every other website out there.
Sahirrama said:
You are an what if they have a z in their title? It is more accurate than every other website out there.
Im not sure if the "SEARCH BUTTON" worked for you....but ive already written an article about this yesterday!

And that website is not more accurate than where i had got mines from....JUST LETTING YOU KNOW!!:yikes:
Sahirrama said:
You are an what if they have a z in their title? It is more accurate than every other website out there.
rofl its fun to make fun of them. they may be the most accurate, but thats not accurate at all. dont call me an idiot, youre the one posting this in the 360 forum when no one cares about it, at least post it in the wii forum to give people something to talk about and feel accomplished about.
Speaking as a Wii60 owner, I could care less that the Wii passed the 360 in sales. We all knew it would eventually happen, so it shouldn't be to much of a surprise to anyone who follows gaming news. As Sovieto said, as long as 360 gamers get satisfactory games and good online service (we already are, let's hope it continues) for/from the 360, then we'll be happy. Great news...
CyanRussel said:
Im not sure if the "SEARCH BUTTON" worked for you....but ive already written an article about this yesterday!

And that website is not more accurate than where i had got mines from....JUST LETTING YOU KNOW!!:yikes:

[QUOTE="CyanRussel]"In just two years, home console sales for the three major manufacturers have effectively reversed," said VG Chartz in a statement on its website. "This will have a large impact on third party publishers and will undoubtedly influence the decisions they make in the future."[/QUOTE]

You may have used a different website, but the source of the information is the same.
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Sovieto said:
rofl you think vgchartz are accurate? they have a Z in their website title. dont decide whos winning over silly console sales everyone makes up. but, you shouldve posted this in a wii section because us people in the 360 section (im pretty sure i speak for everyone on this) could care less whos winning as long as we get the awesome games, which we are, while wii owners have next to nothing so far. but congrats to the wii, with the ds already out its obvious the wii was and is going to sell like hot cakez.

Over here Dave! I caught another fanboy!
CyanRussel said:
Thats true.....but answer this question............why post a thread on something, that someone else had already posted in a thread?:wtf:
Probably because the thread starter didn't see it.

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