ok i really am tired of activision, i have really had enough of them. so first thing is i have ps3 and got gh3, and said that the guitar would work with rock band, and then it didnt, so i was not suprised by it but it sucked. then harmonix had a patch to fix it, but Activision stopped it, which really screws over ps3 owners. anyways my father bought a wii 2 weeks ago, and he got GH3 for the wii. i thought sweet, then i find out it only has mono, and im like no biggie, ill just get online and get a replacement. so i do that and then in the mail 3 days later i get an envelope and letter stateing to put my one and only Copy of GH3 in there and they will send me a new one later. seriously what the F$%& activision. you couldnt even send me the fixed disc, and then i send you the old disc, i would have been very cool with this but no they decided to do this. i dont understand it, why would they do this, its just another slap in the face to it's customers. maybe i'm spoiled with EA's great customer service, but i still dont understand why they dont send the updated version, then i send it the damaged one. they really need to fix this.