wpa entering /wlan fails


WiiChat Member
Dec 17, 2006
Is there any good reason my wii won't let me enter the full 64 characters of my wpa key? I just can enter 63.
The weird thing is, it worked yesterday, connection test worked, then it wanted to update system settings, then it told me connection test failed.
Now I can't even enter 64 chars in the wpa field and even unsecured wlan doesn't work anymore on the wii.
Reset the wii settings to no avail.
kirstan said:
Is there any good reason my wii won't let me enter the full 64 characters of my wpa key? I just can enter 63.
The weird thing is, it worked yesterday, connection test worked, then it wanted to update system settings, then it told me connection test failed.
Now I can't even enter 64 chars in the wpa field and even unsecured wlan doesn't work anymore on the wii.
Reset the wii settings to no avail.

I don't really understand why people are so paranoid to where they need a 128 bit wep or even WPA on there networks. 64 bit wep is really all you need.

But to answer your question, the only possible explanation would be that you have a space at the beginning or something.
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vagrant said:
I don't really understand why people are so paranoid to where they need a 128 bit wep or even WPA on there networks. 64 bit wep is really all you need.
Not to be rude or anything (really not), but I'm having a hard time to believe you're actually a network engineer. I won't go into get into lots of technical details here, but it'll suffice to state 64 (or 128 for that matter) wep is as safe as having no encryption at all. If you really are a network engineer, talk to your netadmin tomorrow. He/she'll tell you all about it.
But to answer you're question as why I'm so 'paranoid':
being a netadmin for a pretty large company changes your view on security ;)
Anyways, if you want I could send you a nice whitepaper on wep (non-)security, let me know.
vagrant said:
But to answer your question, the only possible explanation would be that you have a space at the beginning or something.
Nevermind, got the 110213 bug too, it appears the input thingy is related to that.
Thanks for replying anyway, I appreciate the effort.

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