World's Favorite Videogames chosen by the people


WiiChat Member
Dec 3, 2010
If you feel like putting your 2 cents in, contribute to this new project where each gamer make his/her top 25 favorite games of all time (1st=25pts, 2nd=24pts, ..., 25th=1pt), and those results are compiled together in real-time to decide the world's favorite games.

Here are the current results that involves 894 gamers so far.
There are also results for favorite games on the wii based on gamers Top 15 wii lists, which is dominated by SSBB for now.

Other top-lists are also available (by years, decades, genres, systems and even a Top 10 most wanted) for you to mess around with.

Post the link of your Top games and feel free to discuss your choices!
It's a really fun concept, especially if you're a longtime gamer (and bored :D).
Its best to ignore people like that as they wont be around for long
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You can also rank your Top 10 most anticipated games; Some gamers find ranking upcoming games more fun than listing past gems.
Here are the current results with Mass Effect 3 on top, closely followed by Portal 2.
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More than 1000 gamers are in and the new version of the site is finally up :D

Some new cool features have been added with the redesign but it's still not finished yet.
What do you guys think so far though?
1.super Mario galaxy super mario bros wii
3.mario cart DS
4super street fighter 3DS
5.pilotwings resort
6. Lego star warz 3DS super mario bros DS
8.the cool AR games on the 3DS
9.and face raiders
thats it :yesnod:
and thats it :yesnod:
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@all: you have to realize the fact that our unikGamer community is at its beginning at the moment. There are only over 1,3oo users right now. It's up to us to spread the word and get more people involved, so that we have a more representative result. So please do so and tell all your friends.

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