Wont Read Certain Games?


WiiChat Member
Oct 1, 2010
I just bought Metroid Other M today brand new and when it starts to load it will make this click noise 3 times then it will say disc unreadable. It will do that to my brand new games, no marks or scratches. But all my scratchy or dirty games like Tales of Symphonia will work. What is wrong with my Wii? Just did some more testing and Metroid Prime 3 works perfectly still don't understand this problem.
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Metroid is a dual layer disc. All wiis have trouble reading them. Try laying the wii flat horizontly instead of standing up. Some say that helps.
If your system is more new or hasn't at least been around for a year, Nintendo should of had it fixed by now, so try calling them 1-800-255-3700 and get it repaired for free. My system has never had a Wii DL Game Error (Just NGC Game Disc Error which I don't Understand).
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Its been over a year. I had my wii before Metroid Prime 3 came out and that was in 2007 which i am currently playing that.
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Well thats the problem. Older systems have a hard time reading DL games. Try calling Nintendo at the number I gave you and see if they can't offer anything for you. My system was purchused 4/31/09 so thats why mine can read DL games very well.
You're lucky to have Metroid Prime 3, but it's sad you can't get Metroid Prime Trilogy (Dual Layer & includes Metroid Prime 1,2, & 3) all because of your system not able to read DL Discs.
I can't say, I don't know the first thing the system reads. Tell me all the games that you have that work and don't work. That way I can see if the problem is Dual Layer Discs.
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Out of the stack of discs i have....the ones that will spin are Tales of Symphonia the one for the wii, Metroid Prime 3, wii sports, and both Super Mario Galaxys. Games that wont spin are Brawl, Metroid Other M and i think thats about it
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Yeah, I own Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Dual Layer), Had Super Mario Galaxy didn't like it (Single Layer), Metroid Prime 3 (Single Layer), I own it within Metroid Prime Trilogy. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is no suprise to me to be a Single Layer. Metroid Other M I don't have, but I judging by the HQ videos for the game, Dual Layer.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been known to screw up older Wii Consoles when it comes to reading DL games. Trust me I helped people at Nintendo's Tech Forum, just as a helpful Consumer though, but I started reading peoples Wii stopped reading their SSBB Copy.
Think about this way. My console is 2 years older than yours. When I play SSBB it takes it about 1-3 minutes to start a Brawl. Sometimes its instant, but I think thats dependent on where the files are located, and the process to make that happen.

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