Wireless Sensor Bar (Europe?) and Charging station


WiiChat Member
Nov 30, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hey everyone, I was wondering where would I be able to buy a Wireless Sensor Bar (probably from Nyko) that could be shipped to Europe and not just the US & Canada and which Charging station you think is better: Joytech's or Nyko's?

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Thanks! Now I would still like to knows somewhere I could buy a Wireless Sensor Bar (probably from Nyko) that could be shipped to Europe?

EDIT: Just found Gamestop has it and ships to European countries. It's back ordered at the moment though.
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Let_It_Burn said:
I'm looking for a wireless sensor bar too... I just found this site!


don't know if I'll buy it from there tho!?!?!?

Unfortunately they aren't active anymore as they're done selling sensor bars (I wonder why didn't they keep making more when Wii just came out only 4 months ago, they would profit much more if they kept selling).

Wii_Smurf said:
Whats this Candle thing?

Two candles serve the same function as a sensor bar since it emits invisible infra-red radiation. Inside the sensor bar are 5 IR leds on each side. The Wiimote reads those two IR signals to determine its position in space. The wire that goes from the sensor bar to the Wii doesn't transfer anything else besides electric energy. All of the position information is detected by the Wiimote and then transfered via Bluetooth to the Wii.

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