Winter Can Be Fun, Honestly!

Wii News

Wii News Blog
Oct 10, 2009

Winter Can Be Fun, Honestly!-1.052010-01-14 20:09:49Maura SFor those around the world currently shivering their way through a freezing cold winter the idea of “winter fun!” might seem like a long way off, but D3Publisher and Tamsoft Corporation are here to remind us that there are some fun things about winter too, especially all that energetic winter sports good stuff. Family Party: 30 Great Games Winter Fun is a collection of winter sports competitions, playground snow activities (shoving snowballs down people’s backs probably), and brain-freezing challenges all designed to remind you of how much fun playing in the snow can be.

Family Party: 30 Great Games Winter Fun is the latest in the top-selling Family Party franchise, including Family Party: 30 Great Games and Family Party: Outdoor Fun. Players get to choose from over a dozen cute characters in customizable winter outfits, and can play against up to three other players in the all-new multiplayer co-op mode. Featured sports include ice hockey, snowboarding, ski-jumping, and curling. You can also unlock games and challenges to achieve high scores and win medals.

Look for the game to slide into stores this February.


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