Will Nintendo recover?


WiiChat Member
Jan 6, 2011
Wii Online Code
I've been thinking for quite some time and maybe Nintendo won't succeed with selling their new platform, or the Golden week. Hopefully, they'll recover from their stock market drop. As for now, they're not, and the haters are enjoying it. They only have one year to improve themselves and by god they better, or I'll cry. Seriously, I'll probably cry, and then my brother will rub it in my face. Stupid Xbox fanboys, they've been bragging about how Nintendo is failing, and they won't back off. Just to be honest, I'm not a fanboy, but I'm devoted to Nintendo. I love sony and they're failing as well. I just don't want to see another gaming industry fail, like sega. Anyway, please reply, and inform me of your assumptions.
I'm afraid your logic is terribly flawed: You said Nintendo is failing as well as Sony, leaving Microsoft as the gaming monopoly.
The WiiU will be successful as long as first party titles keep their quality.
... Wait, what? Nintendo's stocks decreased in value? WHEN? WHY?! o_o

Nintendo will recover regardless though, lol. Unless their stocks are going down circa 1929, they'l recover fine. They've the funds, fan base, and skills to do so time and again.
Yes! I hope they will I buy nearly every product, 3ds will sell better when people know how good it is. Nintendo will come back from this:wiiconsole::wiimote::papermario:
... Wait, what? Nintendo's stocks decreased in value? WHEN? WHY?! o_o

Nintendo will recover regardless though, lol. Unless their stocks are going down circa 1929, they'l recover fine. They've the funds, fan base, and skills to do so time and again.
See, link2000? Even Magikarp agrees with me.
I don´t know why the world is so concerned about stocks... lol

Well Sony and Square Enix also have an stock price drop right know due Dragon Quest X strange right? Square Enix for presenting a classic game with an non expected style (Internet centred) and Sony cause DQX will be a Wii-WiiU exclusive :/ thing is we cannot predict a company commercial succes by the mere price of it´s stocks... well sorta, sometimes lol forget it ¬¬ :sick:
Im still trying to think on how nintendo and sony are "failing", the only time when they so called "fail" is when they go bankruptcy or get sued for millions of money but being sued wont get them failed cause EA got sued last year(i think) and they arent failing. If people keep buying sony games, how will they fail, nintendo is not even close to failing. By how much people are buying the games, people have more wiis than the ps3 and 360 combined(a true statement) based on the amount of games and consoles sold, popularity and some other stuff that im too lazy to type up.
How the **** did EA get sued?! >=/ If it wasn't copyright, I'm sure it was a load of ****, like 99% of all other lawsuits.

The only time Nintendo and Sony truly failed are the Virtual boy and the PS3's release price, respectively. IMO.
I never herd that Nintendo is dying. I doubt that it is or will be for long. Nintendo has something that Sony and Microsoft don't have. Old School gaming. 8-bit glory. Also Nintendo has a long list of game franchises that are very solid: Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, you know the rest. The point being Nintendo is very different from the other 2 (which focuses on the graphics and 1st person shooters). And one more thing, Nintendo is smart; they focused on motion control before the others did. Once Sony and Microsoft got into the market of motion gaming, Nintendo moves on to the Wii U and its tablet controller.

And if all else fails....
Release another Trojan Horse!
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