will buy wii (not yours) canada only


sleeps with the fishes
Oct 22, 2006
in your head reputation: 101-24 till next block
Wii Online Code
hi guys i know what your thinking omg just buy a wii. you all know it's not that easy and i have the worst luck with these things. i have tried every thing to get a wii and cannot wait longer. so this is what i am doing.

if you just so happen to be some where and see a wii buy it and i will buy it off of you for 50 bucks over what you paid.

i know this may seem like a scam but i will, please help a brother.

by the way i live in ontairo near tronto so this only really applies to you if you within 5 hour drive from there

edit: i will do all the foot work and driving

thanx for helping me
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lol just go to a store where there will be wii's outside and give some kid 50bucks to wait outside all night...go in the morning and switch places and get your wii!
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ericlewis91 said:
lol just go to a store where there will be wii's outside and give some kid 50bucks to wait outside all night...go in the morning and switch places and get your wii!
dude thats so freakin funny i should totaly do that so umm wana earn 50 bucks????
lol, you dunno if the kid's just gonna take the 50 bucks and then they might pretend to sit and wait and when your gone they run off.

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