Wiis on ebay


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2007
I have a question.. I am looking at ebay for wii games and stuff. I noticed that people are trying to sell the wii console for 300+ dollars. Are they really going to get it? I don't want to sell mine, I am just wondering if there is that much of a drought....

My wife wants to get 2 wiifits when they come out and sell one so we will end up getting one for free...... I couldn't do that.. I would feel bad.
McLeod13 said:
I have a question.. I am looking at ebay for wii games and stuff. I noticed that people are trying to sell the wii console for 300+ dollars. Are they really going to get it? I don't want to sell mine, I am just wondering if there is that much of a drought....

My wife wants to get 2 wiifits when they come out and sell one so we will end up getting one for free...... I couldn't do that.. I would feel bad.

Thank god we have someone like you here. <---Not sarcasm!

Yeah I would feel bad too.

Sadly it is a drought that big.

People have Wiis on ebay with a buy it now over 1,000$$...
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I think that is ridiculous!! I was reading on IGN about stores actually doing it too. I guess there are always gonna be greedy SOB's out there. I am glad that my wife got mine at walmart for 250...
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I understand desperate but dang...

By waiting a couple months for my walmart to get them in my wife was able to save a couple hundred dollars.
I ebayed mine for Christmas, best couple of extra bucks I ever spent! I started looking before Thanksgiving and gave up hope. My kids are having a great time with it.
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I understand what you did, but I think it is ridiculous that you would have to pay that much.....

I just think that the greedy SOB's are out of control. They are now trying to sell GH3 for 200.....

Plus, what about those that can't afford the couple extra hundred dollars.

This past day after Thanksgiving, I went to Best Buy to purchase some blank DVD's that were on sale. My wife and I were going to use them to make Christmas DVD's for our family (pics and stuff).. I was in there 5 minutes after the doors opened and I couldn't get any DVD's because people were purchasing 10+ packs to sell on Ebay.... These people piss me off.

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