

Final Distance
Oct 1, 2006
New York
Wii Online Code
Well, this site is called WiiChat... So, where is the chat? =P I think that would be a pretty good idea... Anybody else think so?
I used to be on a forum that had one of those chat things...well, first day i joined i got banned from that part of the site.

No worrys though. it was all a bunch of bull ****.
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I as well used to be on a forum with a chat section. It was my favorite part of the site, and I used it alot. =)
me to actuly... it was cald Yabber.net...but it close down...i had made so many friends there
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Demon Slayer said:
me to actuly... it was cald Yabber.net...but it close down...i had made so many friends there

Mine was KHInsider.com, but I just kinda left...
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Demon Slayer said:
Anyone Reading this Go on the Chat thing Now!!

I'm on now, but nobody else is. I'm just ganna sit there and wait for somebody. =D
Kumoriken said:
o_O;; I'm so going on the chat thing for as long as I can. xP We're making that thing popular! xD
It be nice if alot of ppl would tune in sometimes i mostly go but theirs no one

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