wii zapper for FPS


WiiChat Member
Jan 25, 2009
So I recently bought an xbox...basically to watch netflix movies on the tv (the netflix box was 100, so this was only a 100 more and i got an xbox out of it). Anyway, I have been playing halo and i have to say, without the wii gun that i use to play call of duty WaW, its just not as enjoyable. The wii zapper is really the best controller for a fps, making the wii the best fps console in my opinion, even though they hardly have any of them. The fun and realism in the zapper far outweighs how good halo is using a controller. I really hope the conduit uses the zapper well. man, people with only a xbox/ps3 have no idea what they are missing without the wii zapper.
Hmm...good luck telling them that. Those who dislike the idea of nintendo still existing will argue like idiots not caring what you say. Another person who thinks that two analog sticks are old and times are up.
I agree. Its the main reason I like FPS on the Wii and am so disappointed there aren't more good ones. The Zapper makes it an absolute blast. COD:WaW is my most played game because of the zapper and online play. I will be SOOOOOOOO disappointed if the zapper isn't incorporated for the Conduit. I mean, that's the attraction and the point of the Wii in the first place for me at least....using actions you would actually do as if you were "in" the game itself.

And yeah, you'll have a hard time convincing the gamer generation of the last 10 years that it more fun than the standard controller with dual analog sticks.
Yah. If you dont know, the conduit supports two ways to play. Wii Zapper is one of them. Dont worry, the conduit is for the zapper.
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And yeah, you'll have a hard time convincing the gamer generation of the last 10 years that it more fun than the standard controller with dual analog sticks.

whats funny is that i have been on some of the xbox forums and one of the biggest things on their wish list is a gun for halo....so i dont really think it would be that hard to convince them. a gun would make halo just awesome, it is a really good game and i am enjoying playing it. the controller is just 10x worse than the zapper.

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