Wii wont turn on but LED light is on


WiiChat Member
Jan 13, 2010
My wii is about 2 years old, ive never had problems with it before but my friend put this homebrew channel on it im not sure if this did anything but anyway. I updated my wii as nintendo told me to and after the update said it was complete the screen went black the LED light was still on, but no sounds, the wii itself sounded like it was working thou, i turned it off then turned it back on the wii kicked on but no picture nor sound, im not sure if the update crahsed my wii or what. any sujections?

oh yes. and ive had it unplugged for about 2 weeks, i have tryed a diffrent tv. and yes all the plugs are in.
sounds like you are effed, when your buddy installed that hombrew channel and you ran an update is what killed it. You Wii is now a paper weight...

this is why we dont mod ****...
I've got the same problem, only mine is not modded/chipped. Console also about a couple of years old. Connected to the internet for the first time and stayed on for about 10 minutes, accepted the update and d/led iPlayer. Went to go on it the next day and zilch - other than the health and safety screen and an error message:-

Your system files are corrupt. Please refer to the Wii Operations Manual for help troubleshooting. Or something similar, it's not on now.

Sometimes I don't even get the message, just a black screen.

And Nintendo want to charge me for looking at it, the cheek! If it does turn out to be their update that has caused it and they still want to charge me I shall be contacting trading standards, lol :)

But if anyone knows a way around this without sending it away then would love to hear! I miss my WiiFit! xx
if your going to mod your wii at least have 2 or 3 of them to play it safe or get brewii
Had a problem powering up, unplugging for 10 minutes or greater will normally fix the problem. These Wii's can be more timid than a old woman on crack and the solutions to fix the problems with them are always unusual.

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