wii vs. xbox live 360


WiiChat Member
Aug 19, 2010
one of my friends has a xbox live 360. He showed me all the cool stuff it has like ceritn live NBA or NCAA games, live sportscenter, etc. I have a WII, can WII do alot of the same stuff? Can ESPN ever add a channel to WII if they wanted just like News & weather I'm kinda neew to this stuff.
ESPN will look more toward powerful consoles. XBOXLive is going to start raising their prices. All XBOXLive is, is Movies, Music, Online Gameplay which MS has put a monoply over which means you pay them thinking you are getting a good service when you're really not. PS3 has PSN, but they do not charge you monthly and they actually sell the online content like a retail store would, Nintendo Shop Channel doesn't do that. Nintendo doesn't have the most powerful system, but the Internet Browser on Wii is good, needs improvement, however, its better than PS3s PSP Clone of a Browser which sucks.
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so this is a hardware issue, not software? Will they ever put out a wii that can stream ESPN? Where do you go & look for whats coming out next.
Wii can probably stream ESPN. However, Gamers that enjoy football would rather have a more realistic experience. The XBOX 360 and PS3 have more processing ability to do that, and to providing real updates while doing it in clear crisp HD. Nintendo Wii can provide a seperate ESPN Channel, but ESPN has to look at if there is a sports fanbase. Probably not, because they're playing the more realistic ones in HD; Nintendo's would be seperate, SD, and Madden NFL 09 would be step back towards PS2 and XBOX era which has already been done before.

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