Wii versions


WiiChat Member
Mar 15, 2008
hello i thinking of buying a used Wii.Is there a diffrence in the newer units? Is ther anything wrong with the older unit i should be aware of and how do i tell the diffrence in the new one and older one?
Actually, you just want to make sure the wii is still under warranty. If tht is the case, you are fine anyway because if theres something wrong you can send it in.
Well i was comparing mine that i got the month after launch
and my lil cousin that got his this january.
And the only diffrence i found is that the wii remotes have a logo
on the sidde of the wii remote
but that is it.
There have been subtle manufacturing differences but nothing that should matter to the average consumer.

That said, there is some question as to whether there's slightly-newer hardware in some Wii models that make older ones have difficulty reading the SSBB discs. Nothing confirmed though.
If you are planning on chipping your Wii, you have far more options using an older model.

The later ones use the D2C chipset on the DVD drives which limits the type of modchips you can install.