Wii U resurgence


WiiChat Member
Feb 4, 2009
Hello, Stickmode is back...
Now to the point, with the latest Nintendo efforts like Bayoneta 2 and Zelda Dynasty to attract the hardcore gamers and increase the Wii U install base, by the time could this strategy regain the third-parties?. From the hardcore gamer point of view, we need the third-parties to put their AAA games, but the mayority of Wii U owners refuse what the third-party offers and prefer to buy it on Ps4 or Xbox One, so how to break these preferences and make the Wii U owners buy them on Wii U?. The asnwer could be make these AAA games with the same features of the ps4/xbox1 plus taking full advantage what the Wii U gamepad offers, the special features make these games with more value than other platforms games. Something that games like Bayoneta 2 is showing, better than any other third-party game on ps4/xbox1. Hopefully this trend continues and the Wii U situation will improve.

What you think?
i think the damage is done....the only way to turn it around is too pump out as many games as the x1/ps4....thats not going to happen.

all the buzz and casuals bro gamers have decided on the ps4 (commercials all over sports channels) and since xbox is basically a clone....it will come in 2nd. wiiU will be 3rd but with the best games of the gen.
Because the Wiiu has games of note, Xbox one is second in that (Sunset override, Dead rising 3)PS4 has nothing, yet is liked
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Well as a hardcore gamer and my support to the Wii U, I plan to buy games like Bayoneta 2, Zelda Dynasty, Wach Dogs, Project Cars, Xenoblade X, The Evil Third, and many more hardcore games that appear in the future. Saddly I had to buy The Evil Within, Dead Rising 3 and Ryse on PC, and buy Assassins Creed Unity & Rogue this November, but off course if they have been on Wii U I always preffer the Wii U than my PC. It would be great play those games with special features taking full advantage what the Wii U gamepad offers...
Stop throwing about the phrase "Hardcore gamer" as you are about as hardcore as a tabloids page three, you know very little about the subject matter with out using Google

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