Wii Tennis Curve?


Feb 26, 2007
Have you ever noticed in Wii Tennis when playing against skilled opponents (2000 point pros) you find the ball being returned to you with a wicked curve? Once it curved so much it hit the ground near my left foot and then actually passed by me on the right side of my miibody. Does anyone know how to do this?? I only noticed the curve as I started playing against more skilled computer opponents.
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Slice it? Can you get a bit more descriptive? Thanks :D
a quick motion? what the hell, who cares. experiment and hit the ball in different ways and see where it goes and you poss could find a really cool move to defeat them blasted opponents :)
As you swing the remote, twist it to put a spin on it. I also find when it is best if you use the front player when trying to put spin on the ball, and also hit it very lightly if possible, to get the best spin. :smilewinkgrin:

i done it for a little while with my front player, then i lost it and never done it again! :frown2:
i finally figured it out. for an example, hold the wiimote straight out from your side with the buttons facing the tv, remote parallel to the ground. Now point the part of the remote farthest from your body (the sensor part) closer to the TV. Then when you swing forward, pull that side back and push the back of the remote closer. do it opposite or backhand. almost always works.
How do you get your Mii to jump and hit it? The only time I can get this to happen is if I swing the Wiimote really fast back and forth.
I have tried to spin it, but it never worked. I have found the best strategy to, of course, use your front man to hit it from one extreme side of the court to the other on the following return. I am only ~1100 skill...this may change when you get close to 2000, or even 3000 as I have seen people reach.
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Awesome guys, thanks for the tips. :D I will try them out this afternoon. I'm at about 800 skill atm so I haven't been seeing this curve a lot, but I figure I'll need to do it to beat steadily more difficult opponents.

As for jumping to hit it Bryan, do you mean when the frontman returns it? I can make my frontman get some mean air if I time the swing right and do it while he's not quite within range of hitting the ball (but not too far back either). He'll get pretty suicidal trying to get to that thing sometimes. I suspect that you are seeing it when you swing fast because you're steadily swinging as you are out of range and when you hit that "jump for the ball" distance, your mii does just that.

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