Wii style' Motion Freedom 3D controller for PS3


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Hang on arnt all controllers that you can use 3D?

Anyway those cheeky chappys at Blaze have made there own Wiimote for the PS3

Wii-Mote Style Motion Sensing Controller for the PS3!

Three Dimensional motion sensing handheld controller for the PS3

Full Ps3 functions with direction pad and full button control

Put yourself in the game – provides Wii Style gaming interactivity

Super sensitive movement sensors detect your every move

Intuitive full function button layout keeps you in control of your game

Press Release:

The World’s First Motion Sensing 3D Freedom Controller for Wii Style Action on your PS3
BLAZE reveal the ultimate in gaming interactivity for the PS3.

Via there site

Quick Nintendo sue them for copying
Video game accessory innovators BLAZE have today announced their truly unique motion sensing controller

Must be a joke, right? How would the existing games know how to use those controllers? How are they not already being sued? No, nothing adds up about this at all!
..thats not real

they wouldtn come out with somthing gay like this right before their actual motion controller comes out.
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Kinda but there not as strict as Microsoft
yeah sony was known to let some bullshit peripheals come out via third party for ps1.(game ice anyone?)
what happens is the developers show concepts and/or prototypes to sony/nintendo/ms and then they set a price based on what they've seen for the dev to obtain a liscense to distribute it. So what sony may have seen as a good idea in concept phases may have gone through 1000000 revisions only to come out as a wiimote rip off in the end.
and theres no way there is full 360 control or IR head tracking as PS3 games for the most part dont have motion control options and the ones that do only support the 6 axis limitation of the PS3 stick.
What we have here is a PS3 controller case mod. nothing more, and a shitty one at that. they spread out the buttons, offed a joystick(I think the "A" button there is a psp style joystick?) and threw it in a black soniimote case lol.

The Verdict...
Biggest rip-off in a controller since the power glove
Let's just pretend for a moment that they indeed started selling these on a nation wide or world wide level. Within a day there would be a lawsuit and probably a wide spread order to take them off the shelf.

I wouldn't mind a black Wii mote as it looks awesome, but there is no way Nintendo would let this slide. Cool design tho.

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