Hang on arnt all controllers that you can use 3D?
Anyway those cheeky chappys at Blaze have made there own Wiimote for the PS3
Via there site
Quick Nintendo sue them for copying
Anyway those cheeky chappys at Blaze have made there own Wiimote for the PS3

Wii-Mote Style Motion Sensing Controller for the PS3!
Three Dimensional motion sensing handheld controller for the PS3
Full Ps3 functions with direction pad and full button control
Put yourself in the game – provides Wii Style gaming interactivity
Super sensitive movement sensors detect your every move
Intuitive full function button layout keeps you in control of your game
Press Release:
The World’s First Motion Sensing 3D Freedom Controller for Wii Style Action on your PS3
BLAZE reveal the ultimate in gaming interactivity for the PS3.
Via there site
Quick Nintendo sue them for copying