Eurogamer reports on the findings of a newly published Nielsen Survey today, which says that the Wii still has a strong lead when it comes to its dominant position in US living rooms. According to the survey, the Wii can be found in 59 percent of all US living rooms that have consoles, with Sony’s PlayStation 3 and Microsoft’s Xbox 360 bringing up the rear with 45 and 42 percent respectively. Start moving to other parts of the house though, and the statistics change, with the Xbox 360 coming out as the console you’re most likely to find in an American child’s bedroom, with it being found in 28 percent of console-owning homes in the US. The PS3 comes in second with 16 percent, with the Wii bringing up the rear at 14 percent.
The survey also found that the living room was the most popular place for people to site their console, with 50 percent of respondents saying that they kept their console there, a long way ahead of the 19 percent who prefer to keep the console in a child’s bedroom, and 10 percent who like to have their console in the master bedroom. Apparently 1 percent of respondents actually said they keep their console on the patio, with another one percent saying they keep it in the kitchen!