Wii Sports

Nope, once you get knocked out in WiiSports boxing, it will take usually 2-4 seconds to get back up again. There is nothing you can do to get up faster. Keep practicing and you won't have to worry about getting knocked out.
Maybe I'm just nuts, but I could have sworn shaking the controllers and spinning the control stick on the nunchuck assured a recovery. Hm.
dear freind i think ths might help you in your desres.

I TRIED TO PRESS THE BUTTONS a+b which i think ensorios a straight recovery just keep trying hey i did and look where i am am lvl 1200 and still going up its all about practise if you need any tips on how to play tennis and get 1000 lvl in it and on baseball and bawling i can help there am really good at giving tips and owning that game oh by the way if you nedd help email me at
deatthatyourdoor12@hotmail.co.uk THANKS ALL.

I CERRENTLY own this games:wii sports,wii play,legend of zelda twilight prisnesses,smackdown vs raw 2008,resident evil 4,chicken little run,ant bully,super mario galaxy,mario party 8,lego star wars complete saga,sponjbob i think it is,hookedand one more,tomb raider as well as you can read i have quiet a selection of games am gtting more this month am getting 4 more like need for speed carbo i cerrently have it but i wana see wat it is like on the wii bth if anyne wanted to know i have nfsc on psp and pc and ps2 i hope you liked what i saidoh one more think wacth this if your intrested in football.


PS:firsst guy with the topis me.
I get mad and press the A button a thousand times really fast.
Seems to work (or makes me think it does :lol:)
I Know How!

:idea: guys, i no how... it works 99.999999999999% of the time because u have to do it RITE in front of the sensor. jump up and down, move left, rite, foward, backward, n move controllers @ same time! :thumbsup:
CantGetAWii said:
I get mad and press the A button a thousand times really fast.
Seems to work (or makes me think it does :lol:)
Lmao!, same here. I was loosing so I just did it the "cheap easy" way.

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