Wii Sports Resort Release Date and Wii Fit Plus!!!

So much for a Spring release date eh? I was hoping to use Motion Plus for Tiger Woods 2010 and Grand Slam Tennis in June. I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer eh?
So much for a Spring release date eh? I was hoping to use Motion Plus for Tiger Woods 2010 and Grand Slam Tennis in June. I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer eh?

Reggie claims they've pushed the accuracy of MotionPlus even further which would explain the delay.

Also EA says it's so accurate it could impair our virtual performance, meaning if you play a tennis game you'll actually have to be as good as a tennis athlete(YESS!!!!!!!) I used to dream of this stuff as a little boy!!

Unfortunately a lot of developers are gonna tone down the controls so that anyone could be good. I think they should include a "hardcore" mode where you have to go through the motions how you would in real life.
Yeah, Nintendo sucks unbelievably bad when it comes to release dates.

Unfortunately a lot of developers are gonna tone down the controls so that anyone could be good. I think they should include a "hardcore" mode where you have to go through the motions how you would in real life.
Yes, it would be cool, but I'll bet developers will say, "It is too hard, we don't want to scare off the casuals!" and treat them like they are babies. Take TW09 for example, they said that it would have a 1:1 swing, but it didn't really. I was expecting it to be at least somewhat realistic to real golf, but it wasn't at all. And I think TW10 will be the same. And all-play was such a stupid idea. I swear, sometimes developers get casual gamers confused with mentally-handicapped people. Sorry for the off-topicness, but this just makes me mad.
Wii Fit Plus?

Are you kidding me? I'll have to be getting this on release date!!!
Yeah, Nintendo sucks unbelievably bad when it comes to release dates.

Yes, it would be cool, but I'll bet developers will say, "It is too hard, we don't want to scare off the casuals!" and treat them like they are babies. Take TW09 for example, they said that it would have a 1:1 swing, but it didn't really. I was expecting it to be at least somewhat realistic to real golf, but it wasn't at all. And I think TW10 will be the same. And all-play was such a stupid idea. I swear, sometimes developers get casual gamers confused with mentally-handicapped people. Sorry for the off-topicness, but this just makes me mad.

If you check the reviews and interviews for TW10, you'll see that they are really going for a true golf sim. Putting will be with a single putter, independent of distance. Big backswing and fast stroke = more distance. VERY accurate partial swings (e.g., bring the club back horizontal for consistent 30-40% strokes, etc.). It looks to be THE killer video golf game. (It's all about the swing--pushing buttons to swing canno come close, even with great graphics.)
wii fit plus is out soon already?
ah man i just got wii fit.
that'll please Jeff. :mad2:

...and me! :mad5:
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"Nintendo's given a firm release date to Wii MotionPlus, with the add-on hitting European stores on June 12, with the US getting the peripheral on June 8.

Wii Sports Resort, the first in-house effort to support MotionPlus, will be launching sometime afterwards on July 24 (July 26 in the US) – although SEGA's Virtua Tennis 2009 supports the peripheral and will be available upon the release of MotionPlus.

MotionPlus is to cost $19.99 in the US and $49.99 when bundled with Wii Sports Resort, although there are no pricing details for Europe at the time of writing."

YES! Thank God! I get to play Tiger Woods and Grand Slam Tennis with Motion Plus now! Alright!

$19.99 isn't too bad of a price either.
wii fit plus is out soon already?
ah man i just got wii fit.
that'll please Jeff. :mad2:

...and me! :mad5:

I just got the Wii Fit too, but I'm already getting bored with it. My wife and I have unlocked everything in the span of a week and...I dunno, I can only do the same exercises so many times before I don't feel like doing them anymore. A big fat guy like me needs things to be more interesting!
I ordered "Wii Sports Resort with Wii Motion Plus Accessory (Wii)" March 1st from Amazon. Got an email from them today saying "We're still trying to obtain the following item you ordered on 01 March 2009,Wii Sports Resort with Wii Motion Plus "
So if the game is out in July why are they telling me they are trying to obtain it, they won't get it until July .:nonod:
Yeah, Nintendo sucks unbelievably bad when it comes to release dates.

I agree but they suck in a good way. Always jamming in last minute improvements. Supposedly they've improved MotionPlus.

Yes, it would be cool, but I'll bet developers will say, "It is too hard, we don't want to scare off the casuals!" and treat them like they are babies.

I gotta defend the casuals here it's usually the hardcores who are first to scream "Dammit no classic controller support??!!!!!1 THE WIIS A GIMICK!!!1"

Sorry for the off-topicness, but this just makes me mad.

I'm sorry did you just say something?? Oh I thought I heard something...

DrMoze said:
If you check the reviews and interviews for TW10, you'll see that they are really going for a true golf sim.

This is what we need. Now that developers can achieve true motion control they're scared to use it!
If you check the reviews and interviews for TW10, you'll see that they are really going for a true golf sim.

This is what we need. Now that developers can achieve true motion control they're scared to use it!

I hope not. I would think that games like TW10 would be easier (at least to pick up and play, maybe not to be very good at!) with improved motion control. I'm sure there will be more hooks and slices with the improved motion detection though.

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