Wii Sports - First Server in Tennis ?


WiiChat Member
Dec 27, 2006
Nantes, France
Wii Online Code
Okay, I have probably missed something in the Wii Sports game but I have the following issue.

I have two remotes : one on Slot 1 and one on Slot 2.

The Slot 1 remote (me) is the master, so I choose the game to play, number of players etc. The Slot 2 remote (my wife) is the slave, so she cannot select any of the game options.

When I launch the Tennis game with the two of us, the Slot 1 remote (me) always serves first. Of course my wife thinks that gives me an unfair advantage !

Is there a quick way to change who serves first ?

I know I could assign my Mii to the Slot 2 remote and my wife's Mii to the Slot 1 remote, but this seems a very long winded way to get my wife to serve first.
on the screen where you pick the number of sets. have her click your mii icon, thus setting her as player 1. then you click the 2nd player icon, setting you as player 2.

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