Wii Sports Boxart


Wii Will Rock You
Mar 14, 2007
Wii Online Code
I've obtained a white Wii gamecase for my Wii Sports disc (as I dislike the cheap cardboard case it came in) and am trying to Photoshop myself a nice insert to make the game look like my other Wii titles.

I found a nice hi-res scan of the game's cover on Wikipedia, so the cover and spine of my sleeve loom pretty nice. What I'm looking for is a high-res scan of the back of the cardboard Wii Sports sleeve. The area with the game specs, ESRB garbage and copyright info. If anyone could link a nice shot that would be great.

^^ wow, that's very nice, im looking through now to see what else they've got, and its a lot. great site, dakuda, be sure to check that out, xanthouse, and togch luck about the badgers in the tourney.
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Wow, that will save me a bit of time. Thanks for the link! ^^

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