Wii should have a Exclusive FPS!

6ix said:
Metroid was the closest. I don't think Nintendo has any other shooter franchises. Bond/Perfect Dark isn't there's, though it was exclusive I think back with N64.
oh man bond would be freaking sweet that would be the best so much interaction they really should make one cause i dont think the 360 or ps3 are thinking of making one anytime soon
Red Steel 2

EDIT: o made by nintendo? Disaster Day of Crisis
Hate to say this, but I wouldn't count on much in that arena for this generation of Nintendo. Mark Rein from Epic games was asked about development of the Unreal 3 engine for Wii and he basically said that none of the big players in the 3D game engines arena are going to spend much or any development time on building engines for the Wii when it's a visual step back from where they are with PC, 360 snd PS3 platforms. I believe that his comment is that it would be like "fighting for scraps." I don't believe that he meant Nintendo any disrespect with that, but basically, he's right. I think the best FPS type of game you are going to see on Wii over the years is probably going to come out of the Metroid series. Everything else so far has been a visual and gameplay letdown. Red Steel, Far Cry...

So far, it's not been as good of an FPS platform as I had hoped. But, then again, what console is. FPS is still in the domain of the PC as far as I'm concerned.
JAKE196 said:
MOH: Heroes 2 is an exclusive wii game with 32 player online.

Incorrect. We share Heroes 2 with the PSP. After EA passed on bringing in Airborne, they let little brother EA Canada, who original Heroes was a PSP exclusive, take Wii on. It's exciting to finally have online, but it's hardly a blockbuster title in its own right.

Red Steel is our only exclusive FPS. RS2 is expected to come with online multiplayer.
moh2 is coming out for psp too
red steel is an exclusive fps
50 player online isnt as fun as you think it is...
well maybe they should come up with something more creative and new FOR THE WII like most games are like everyone seems to be let down in the FPS genre for the wii you guys have no hope (some im talking about) like there born to come out with something new
Sovieto said:
50 player online isnt as fun as you think it is...

It's a blast under the right circumstances. For obvious reasons you wouldn't want to do it all the time, but a good 60 player match of Allegiance does get my blood pumping, even if it does always crash at the end.
Wiinter said:
It's a blast under the right circumstances. For obvious reasons you wouldn't want to do it all the time, but a good 60 player match of Allegiance does get my blood pumping, even if it does always crash at the end.

haha I sure know that battlefield with 64 players is a hell lot of fun :D
ScuzzBuster said:
... he basically said that none of the big players in the 3D game engines arena are going to spend much or any development time on building engines for the Wii ....

I think EA and some others said something about not making games for the Wii but have retracted since the July numbers were out. Just saying that they might have a change of heart... never say never.
Sovieto said:
moh2 is coming out for psp too
red steel is an exclusive fps
50 player online isnt as fun as you think it is...

50 may not be fun, but I've played with 64 before, and it was definitely fun.

I've also played with ~500 before too (Planetside), and that was some of the better FPSing I've done. Seeing 20 tanks coming across a bridge is a pretty cool sight to see in itself.
I wouldn't hold your breath for a 50 player online game for the wii the lag would be horrible. The best you could hope for would probably be like 32 players in a Star Wars Battlefront or Battlefield 1942 style game which would both make excellent ports. I think typically if a FPS game for the wii does have online play it will be limited to 4 -16 which is about the average for most FPS games anyways.

FPS that have a good amount of hope in online play is:
Stars Wars Force Unleashed (if it it announces Multiplayer)
Red Steel 2

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