Wii Shop+Internet work, WiiConnect24 doesnt...

lee.jarratt said:
*sigh* Sorry, not bothering to answer yet another one of these threads.

Was there any point in saying that?

And before you ask me if there is any point in me saying this...
There isn't :D
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Ok ok, fine, we dont need to hear it 3 times that someone said something rude. I just want to fix my Wii's connection. If you cant help or suggest something, then dont post.

Anyways, i just measured the distance my router is from my wii it's about 38'-40' . I'm guessing that's quite a lot, but i can get it to a tv that's about 10'-20' away. Infact, this was the very first tv i used my Wii on, and even then the channels didn't work, so i dont think it's a matter of distance. I'm gonna call Nintendo as my last resort, because i dont really feel like it, and i have the idea that they'll try to sell me the USB adapter... My father will be helping me in configuring the router settings, so that might help. I'll post again soon.
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All i had to do was use MAC Filtering. I wasn't before, and now i tried it. I would've tried it before, if i knew where it was. Now i do, and i did, and it worked.


I'm looking through a few channels that i haven't seen before, and then out of the blue, on the news channel, my Wiimote disconnects from the system. I keep trying to sync it and turn it on, but nothings working. You can put your comments on that here, but i'll be browsing through the forums for answers.
I am having the same trouble, i just spent 100$ on airport express to connect wii to the shop chanel.
my internet on the mac works wireless, yet wii still wont connect,
can you explain in detail what configurations you changed to get the wii to connect to your Mac's internet and purchase games?

ChazzyP said:
Was there any point in saying that?

And before you ask me if there is any point in me saying this...
There isn't :D

If you read the whole thread I actually started to help..
NiubNiub said:
I am having the same trouble, i just spent 100$ on airport express to connect wii to the shop chanel.
my internet on the mac works wireless, yet wii still wont connect,
can you explain in detail what configurations you changed to get the wii to connect to your Mac's internet and purchase games?


here you go


please use the search option
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lee.jarratt said:
If you read the whole thread I actually started to help..

Started. Probably didn't finish. The only people who probably finished are AZ_Wii_Tard and youcannotspellit. Rest of them were useless. Sure, you did help a bit, but not all that much.
FireFreek said:
Started. Probably didn't finish. The only people who probably finished are AZ_Wii_Tard and youcannotspellit. Rest of them were useless. Sure, you did help a bit, but not all that much.

Your very ungrateful, I put my time out to help you and that's all I get? It's a wii forum, I can't be on here 24/7 helping a person off the internet who I don't know, I have better stuff to do. Be grateful for the help, it's sickening the way you say that. :mad5:
I agree that it is very discouraging to see those useless responses. One should not reply if they are not going to give any answer or suggestion. Nevertheless, you would expect a lot of kids on a gaming forum and you would not expect any constructive comment from them. Just ignore them.
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lee.jarratt said:
Your very ungrateful, I put my time out to help you and that's all I get? It's a wii forum, I can't be on here 24/7 helping a person off the internet who I don't know, I have better stuff to do. Be grateful for the help, it's sickening the way you say that. :mad5:

I'm sorry but you gave me some basic suggestions that i've already tried (and failed), and information i probably knew. But the info about WiiConnect24 was helpful. Still, although you helped me up the ladder one rung at a time, while some other's might've used an elevator, I still got to the top.
FireFreek said:
I'm sorry but you gave me some basic suggestions that i've already tried (and failed), and information i probably knew. But the info about WiiConnect24 was helpful. Still, although you helped me up the ladder one rung at a time, while some other's might've used an elevator, I still got to the top.

Meh it's ok, Just feeling bad today :lol:

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