Wii scratching discs?


Sep 17, 2007
it seems that my wii is scratching my games. i bought all of them new and they all have very small rings but still noticeable when you look closely, they dont go all around the disc but i tried cleaning it off and it was definately a scratch. it doesnt affect the games at al but im wodering if i should send my wii in for repair. actually one game doesnt have the scratch. it kinda pisses me off because the games are not cheap and the system appears to be slowly destroying my games. can you do me a favor and check and see if this is happening to you also? any ideas? a fix? thanks
Well I don't think its your Wii, its simply more a matter of you putting it in and taking it out, you don't mean to but that sometimes causes scratches. Also the Wii tends to that, its bound to happen, but if it gets serious and your games stop working, send in your Wii.
CantGetAWii said:
Also the Wii tends to that, its bound to happen, but if it gets serious and your games stop working, send in your Wii.

It's not bound to happen. The Wii should not be scratching discs in the slightest ever.
If you see concentric circles on your disc, then you most likely have a problem with the Wii. It's unusual for nintendo products to scratch discs. IMO Nintendo discs are better quality than PS2 discs. Make sure that if you are moving the Wii at any time, that there is no disc inside.
Yeah, I just checked some of my discs and they also appear to be just fine. If you constantly keep removing and inserting the discs, then that may be the root cause of your problem.
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I don't change them that often but I do move the console around sometimes(not while its on though) I borrowed a game from a friend last week and have been playing a lot and today I checked it and it doesn't have the aerial scratch, what could it be scratching it though? nothing touches the disc when its inside, a laser just reads it. could it be dust or something? I don't really wanna send it to nintendo
wii scratches

i had that problem when i first got my wii i hade it vertical so i bought a horizontal wii stand that holds my controler and nunchuck you all so get thiss problem when you bume or move the wii when it is on even if your not playing the game . thiss is cause by the disk rumbing um on the reader or if you bump it the reader skips and you get tiny scratches

go horazontal wii...!
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interesting, thanks. so the normal stand is no good? wouldn't everyone have this problem then? maybe ill try it but I really like my vertical stand which also holds my controllers
it was happening to my friend but not to me...........
Jay588 said:
interesting, thanks. so the normal stand is no good? wouldn't everyone have this problem then? maybe ill try it but I really like my vertical stand which also holds my controllers

The vertical orientation is perfectly fine. Just don't bump it hard WHILE it's on (and that applies to sitting horizontal too).
Okay! I've had this problem. Some of the Wii's have been known to scratch you disks if you bump or move them yes, but also there are a few that scratch the mall the time. Send it to nintendo, and they WILL fix this for you. Some people don't get this problem though, so they will tell you it is your case, or you bumping your system, even if you know it wasn't.

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