WiiChat Member
i just got my WII and im Happy its not like the BOX microsoft «were they BANED PPL who do illegal things wit the BOX and losing GAMERS who are turning to PS3« well i aint buying anything wit SONY name in it! everything iv owned by sony past warenty break down from TV radio PS1 PS2 PSP DVD PLAYER... « so im ANTI SONY!!
Still got my ORIGINAL NES I got for X-mas 87 « still works PERFECT (okay im a liar still need to blow b4 putting game in system BIG DEAL)
My SNES still perfect
N64 same
Cube « well it learned to fly from 15th floor
So..after owning ALL nintendos B4 wii deside to Stick wit NINTENDO and not give my money to BILL GATES « for the x720 he stealing Nintendos Motion gaming .cant he come up wit he own stuff beside STEALING FROM EVERYONE? NO! Sony « they rip ppl off and tried to F... wit Nitendo « world BEST gaming systems Ever!