Alright, something with the new Wii-Remote has been bothering me, and I'm not sure if it's only happening to some of us - or all of us. Basically, what happens to me (and a lot of others as I've been reading) is that, - lets take Red Steel for example. You point the remote dead centre in the screen, instead of your Crosshair appearing is said position it's about 10 inches higher, causing your character to start looking at the ceiling and spiraling out of control. Now, I'd understand this was a software issue provided it only happened in Red Steel. But truth be told. It's like this everywhere including the Wii Menu's. What's the point of stating where the Sensor is? Above or Below the TV? It has no idea the height of the TV as it is, and screws up the calibration anyway.Regardless of where you put the bar, the calibration is off - by a lot. I can't even play Red Steel without sitting on the ground. The moment I stand or sit at TV level there's no way in Hell I'm gonna be able to aim worth crap. Is the "off-calibration" happening to everyone? And if not, what's the size of your TV? It seems very strange that it wouldn't ask you to point at the different corners of the TV. And by the way, I know there are sensitivity options. This has nothing to do with sensitivity. Anyhow, just curious to know how everyone else is responding to the Wii-remote in accuracy.