Wii Remote Jackets


WiiChat Member
Sep 17, 2007
Wii Online Code
It was announced earlier today that Nintendo of America will be giving away free Wii Remote Jackets. It looks like Japan and Europe will be getting the same loving from Nintendo: pre-orders are now available for the regions as well as the promise that all future Wii hardware will include the product.

The jacket became part of of the Wii package in response to numerous reports of broken TVs and knocks on the noggin. The jacket prevents the Wiimote from slipping from your grip and also provides cushioning in case it decides to fly off your hand.

It's free for everyone who already has a Wii in the US, Japan and Europe; all they need to do is request for one at Nintendo's official site for their regions. The jacket, which will ship starting October 15th.

Here is a link to the site: http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/jacket/jacketrequest.jsp

You may experience problems with ordering online. I got an error page when i tried to order mine online and then when i tried to redo it, it told me that I had already ordered the maximum. I called Nintendo and they told me that they have been having problems due to the high volume of traffic and would place take my order manually. What does everyone think of these? My main concern is how they will effect the use of charging stations.
heh I just called nintendo and while I was waiting they put on Pavarotti. LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

your thread is so much better than the other one but still, its been posted already.

i didtn even think about my charging station..crap..its free though so w/e. so i can order one or four? that's weird.. why would someone order one in stead of four if its free? lol im going to wait a couple days beforei attempt to order mine so i have a better chance of getting it right.
you dont only give them your wii number, thats simply to insure you dont order extras and rip them off (who would rip off nintendo?!) but thats just a guess.
Everybody can order 4 jackets even they have only one WiiMote. Is it considered rip off? :lol:
lol, when you register your Wii, you're supposed to give them your home address. That is where they will ship your jackets.
No. The Wii has a built-in GPS. They will locate you just by the serial number. :lol:

Just kidding.

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