Wii Remote gone Crazy


WiiChat Member
Jan 30, 2011
Hello All

First post so please treat me gently.

I have two remotes, one which works fine. The other seems to have gone crazy. Fully charged and the setting up of games is fine - you can move the cursor to select the game, set up user, etc. However, when you then play the game (and it seems to be all games), the remote seems to go crazy. For example, playing table tennis on Sports Resort, if a move the remote to play a right handed forehand shot (the bat should move to the right hand side of the righ thanded player), the bat moves to the left hand side of the player and vice versa. When I play baseball on Sports, the batter continually swings the bat without the remote being moved.

I assume the remote is broken and needs replacing but any ideas and suggestions would be gratefully received.
not sure if this applies, but one way to fix wiimotes is to hold them sideways and gently 'thwack' them on a table three times. wii sports resort problems are common, but the wii sports baseball one is different, if your wiimote is still under warranty nintendo can fix/replace it for free.
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Hi Skid
I gently whacked the remote on the side of a table as you suggested and then re-synchronised the remote and the Wii unit at the same time (saw this in another thread). Remote seems to be working fine now. Wasn't sure about whacking the remote but it was out of warranty so nothing to lose!


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