Wii Question


WiiChat Member
Oct 26, 2007
When playing GC games on the Wii, is there anyway to get back to the main menu without ejecting the disc and resetting the system. I'm only a 1-day owner so far and that's how I've been stopping GC play. I tried to use the remote, and it acts like it isn't 'synced' to my system when a GC game is running. Any help would be nice.
I having the same problem. I don't think you could go back to the main menu when playing a gc game on the wii.
thats right you can not go to the main menu without turning off the console.
There should be a thread on the GCN associated aspects of the Wii. Anyways, once you start playing a GCN disc, your Wii PERMANENTLY morphs into a GCN with all of its functions!! I kid you...not permanently but it essentially turns into a full GCN and the wiimote will not interact with the Wii at all. Only GCN and Wavebird controllers will work. You essenially have to power down the Wii and turn it back on to get to the Wii channel menu.
Other things to note, resetting during GCN mode resets the GCN game ONLY. Save game files are only saved and acccessed on GCN memory cards. Progressive scan GCN games must be turned on when you start individual games. That should cover it.
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Master Foot said:
Progressive scan GCN games must be turned on when you start individual games. That should cover it.

I'm confused what you mean by this, say I play the GC version of RE4 (which is progressive scan if I remember right), what must be turned on?
You have to turn off the Wii, or reset it to go back to the main menu.
Its a pain I know, but one that many don't see as a problem but myself it seems.
Oh well.

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