yeah, if you didnt know about it, you may still be able to get one... there werent that many people in line today
Our toys r us out here in st. louis had 20 wiis for reserve and i beleive i was 7th in line today, one guy was there since 1am... crazy... anyway the manager at that toys r us had said theres going to be 4 or 5 toys r us's in the nation selling wii's at midnight this saturday... the one i went to being one of them, he also said they will have extras and stay open until they deplete their supply, mucho cool!
Our toys r us out here in st. louis had 20 wiis for reserve and i beleive i was 7th in line today, one guy was there since 1am... crazy... anyway the manager at that toys r us had said theres going to be 4 or 5 toys r us's in the nation selling wii's at midnight this saturday... the one i went to being one of them, he also said they will have extras and stay open until they deplete their supply, mucho cool!