Wii Points trade for Stars


Silent Assassin
Oct 17, 2007
Well to my suprise there are some wii points cards available on the nintendo site and i thought i might go ahead and buy some.

I have linked my wii to my club nintendo account with the email address.

I purchased a wii points card (100 points!) in exchange for 400 of my dusty old stars yesterday - they have not appeared on my wii shopping channel's total yet.

Now either they take a while to register or i did something incorrect. Anyone out there who can give me any help i would appreciate it!


Why do you limeys have access to all of this star crap and more denominations of Wii points than us in the U.S.? Aren't we the bigger market anyway?
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Atomheart said:
Why do you limeys have access to all of this star crap and more denominations of Wii points than us in the U.S.? Aren't we the bigger market anyway?

probably because all games etc are twice the price here!
anyway - back to my original question if thats ok?

MVGeneral said:
100 points is nothing

I wish we had them here. I hate how they only have multiples of 1000 points here. That makes it difficult if you want to buy just a few games (such as two SNES and a N64 or something).
Esirnus said:
Well to my suprise there are some wii points cards available on the nintendo site and i thought i might go ahead and buy some.

I have linked my wii to my club nintendo account with the email address.

I purchased a wii points card (100 points!) in exchange for 400 of my dusty old stars yesterday - they have not appeared on my wii shopping channel's total yet.

Now either they take a while to register or i did something incorrect. Anyone out there who can give me any help i would appreciate it!



you have to go to the website and take the code they have given you and put it on the Wii.
I have posted this before in greater depth somewhere.

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