Wii Play for North America

thanks alot this is great news (well i would have wanted it sooner) i was begingin to think we werent gonna get this deal and i was really looking forward to this game too
Yay! Gonna wait til Jan 15th buy this and ill have my second wii-mote. Sure 2 months is a lil while but most of my friends will have wii-motes of there own to bring over and play multiplayer. Then I just throw in another 20 get a nunchuck and wala.
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I'm looking forward to:
Laser Hockey, Table Tennis, Fishing, Shooting, and Billiards. Should be fuunnn! :D
Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second. I pre-ordered Wii-Play for the second wiimote. I live in Australia, but does this mean that I wont have a second Wiimote on launch day ? Because, if that's true, then I have to go in and pre-order another Wiimote, which is what I planned on doing until they talked me into the WiiPlay thing.

Arrgg, I'm worried now. I need 2 controllers, because I'll be staying out-of-state with a mate for about 6 weeks, and we'll need Multiplayer Wii goodness.

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