Wii Online - more please!


WiiChat Member
Dec 23, 2007
Does anyone know what nintendo are planning to do with the whole online thing with this console?
I got mine there before christmas and am online, have bought a few old games etc... (great idea on that one) and love the fact that it seems to be a free service your broadband line excluded obviously but Im just concerned and cant help but feel slightly dissapointed even at the lack of online games.
And lastly are you going to be able to talk to people online or anything like the xbox for example?
Other than this I have to say the games are great craic its just a shame that they didnt have the online thing sorted from the start... Wouldnt Wii Sports be fantastic if you could play it online against your mates??
Maybe Im just too used to havin the 360 online.
They are going to make a channel that offers downloadable content for the wii like demo's. Also DS demos

I also hope they will improve the online bit by a lot! I love the whole online community stuff!
Nintendo hates online. Don't get your hopes too high.

Seriously...even the freaking DREAMCAST had more online games and that was a decade ago! And the online games were WAY better than the crap that's been shoveled out so far for the Wii.

Oh yeah, the Dreamcast also had voice chat.

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Atomheart said:
Nintendo hates online. Don't get your hopes too high.

Seriously...even the freaking DREAMCAST had more online games and that was a decade ago! And the online games were WAY better than the crap that's been shoveled out so far for the Wii.

Oh yeah, the Dreamcast also had voice chat.


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downloadable downloads sounds good but the talk of the nintendo hating online I think is rubbish. I just dont think it was top of their priorities with this particular console. Getting the interactive part was the main thing but that said that doesnt mean they cant improve it now. I really hope the do.
Online games are limited right now with MOH Heroes 2, Mario Strikers Charged and Guitar Hero 3 being the only real notable titles.

It should improve some when SSBB and Mario Kart appear as they should both be awesome online. No doubt a Wii Sports 2 would probably feature online competition too if released.

A lot of DS games feature online play so i don't think that Nintendo hates online, it's just that they are just a little slower to get it up and running.
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OMG mario kart will bill be absolutely deadly online!!! I downloaded the N64 version so I could play it over christmas with my friends and it was still so much fun..
Whens Mario Kart out?? Oh and other than Medal of Honour is there any other online first person shooters or any planned.. I know it sounds crazy but I just dont really like MOH.. I have it on 360 and just lost interest to be honest... Far rather the old school ones like quake or unreal or halflife even..
Yeah, I CAN NOT WAIT for Mario Kart Wii, Its going to be awesome. Within a year this Wii will own in online. They need to get to work on a headset now
nintendo made the wii as a Party system
but they do need to step up on the online and chat issues
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yeah lets hope that the headsets and that is sorted out asap.
Within the year I hope at the latest to be honest.
Good comment on the party system thing, thats all well and good but to push it further and keep interest of people especially those of us who are used to the online gaming from the 360 etc its definately needed and sooner rather than later I reckon.

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