Wii newbie net problems


WiiChat Member
May 8, 2007
I have a wii.
I have no computer, which means no internet. I also don't have wi-fi access. Can i possibly still get online?? If i can, what kind of hookup thing do i get? And how do you go about getting wi-fi access? Sorry, I'm confused!! Thanks
Theres no way unless you have broadband internet connection sorry.

rep me if helpful. (green mushroom)
Could be posting from school/uni/work/friends/library etc etc hehe

You can still get a DSL connection with no PC, just will be very hard to setup.

Get a wireless rotuer and can still use the Wii on the net
Welcome to wiichat and enjoy your stay.
Yeah, like mentioned above, a PC is required for the easier way to set things up, with the presence of a broadband connection ofcourse.
Its worth a shot asking your neighbours if you could share their connection but I doubt that they will agree unless you are very close. Goodluck with whatever you do. :thumbsup:
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Yeah, I don't know any of my neighbors at all. I just moved in with my boyfriend. I use the computer at a club I go to. So if i get a wireless router I can get online?? Where do I get one from?
Have you tried to search for an access point with the Wii yet. I was at a neighbors house playing wii with them but They are to far from my house to pick up my router. I just let the wii search for an access point anyway and it picked up 2 signals one was locked but the other was not so I connected and was online in a jiffy. They were floored that it was possible. Wifi is wifi and some people just do not protect themselves with key encryption. Worth a try if you are trying to get some Virtual Console titles.
ciper said:
If you get a wireless router then plug it into an internet connection then you could get online.

As long as the router comes pre configured and you don't have to change the settings i.e port forwarding, dmz, security, username/password etc. The best option is to get a cheap pc with a network card so you can browse the net and change any settings on your router.

Alternatively you could get a wired adapter and manage the router through your wii. Changing it to wireless if you need to move it out of cable range
The Fifth said:
Have you tried to search for an access point with the Wii yet. I was at a neighbors house playing wii with them but They are to far from my house to pick up my router. I just let the wii search for an access point anyway and it picked up 2 signals one was locked but the other was not so I connected and was online in a jiffy. They were floored that it was possible. Wifi is wifi and some people just do not protect themselves with key encryption. Worth a try if you are trying to get some Virtual Console titles.

did the same, searched for my connection and found other peoples totally unlocked and ready to abuse...
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ok, i got the internet! only thing is, sometimes it doesn't work. i searched for an access point and there was 2 unlocked. does it not work sometimes because the owner of the access point has thier computer turned off? and also, is it illegal to use their connection?
chesirekat1320 said:
ok, i got the internet! only thing is, sometimes it doesn't work. i searched for an access point and there was 2 unlocked. does it not work sometimes because the owner of the access point has thier computer turned off? and also, is it illegal to use their connection?
Yes, it is illegal to use someone else's connection without their permission. The router will always remain on, even if the computer is turned off. The signal may be weak, so you may get cut off randomly.
How do the laws work for private wifi vs. hotspots at coffee shops and shopping malls. Do these people know who is on the connection? Is it not up to people to protect their connection themselves? Someone could sit outside their house with a laptop and access their shared folders etc?... Am I wrong here. WEP is not that hard to set up.

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