Wii NES64 Battlezone Download?


WiiChat Member
Nov 4, 2007
Sorry idk if their is or not a post about any of this. I'm bad at making titles. :(

Anyways. I looked on the Wii shop,and haven't seen much NES64 games.(9)
And i been wondering,can the Wii get games from other places without downloading it from the Wii Shop?

Was hopeing to download Battlezone 64(Rise of the blackdogs).But can't find it on the Wii Shop Channel.
You can only download the games the offer in the online store. They had a few more each week. You could email them your request, but there's no guarantee it'll ever be available.


can't exactly say your wrong

but just keep it to N64 lol
Indeed. It's just Nintendo 64 (N64), not Nintendo Entertainment System 64 (NES64)
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Moose said:
Indeed. It's just Nintendo 64 (N64), not Nintendo Entertainment System 64 (NES64)

Yeah sorry. i ment to say N64.. Does anyone know where i should go to send this request to/who?
why does everyone have to be so bitchy. If anyone really couldn't figure out what he meant by nes64, then you should be the ones laughed at... :tard:

And if you don't intend on actually helping him, then don't post. It's like welcome to wiichat. We are nerdy a-holes that think we are better than you if you do not know such pointless info like correct abbreviations or corporate contacts.

you could send Nintendopower a question here: nintendopower@futureus.com
or send nintendo a question here: http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/webform.jsp

No matter what I believe it comes down to whether nintendo owns the rights or can license a game. I have heard people say there are certain games that will likely not come to the VC because the rights to the games are owned by companies that probably won't allow nintendo the distribution rights anymore. (Like the company RARE which made Goldeneye). I may be wrong or lacking new info on this, feel free to correct me anyone.
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KyleForMe said:
why does everyone have to be so bitchy. If anyone really couldn't figure out what he meant by nes64, then you should be the ones laughed at... :tard:

And if you don't intend on actually helping him, then don't post. It's like welcome to wiichat. We are nerdy a-holes that think we are better than you if you do not know such pointless info like correct abbreviations or corporate contacts.

you could send Nintendopower a question here: nintendopower@futureus.com
or send nintendo a question here: http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/webform.jsp

No matter what I believe it comes down to whether nintendo owns the rights or can license a game. I have heard people say there are certain games that will likely not come to the VC because the rights to the games are owned by companies that probably won't allow nintendo the distribution rights anymore. (Like the company RARE which made Goldeneye). I may be wrong or lacking new info on this, feel free to correct me anyone.

Wow.. now i just love how you can easily pwn the crap out of people. Thanks for the help!.

I do believe that Nintendo owns Battlezone(N64). so i'll throw them a request and see what goes down.