Wii mote range


WiiChat Member
Mar 8, 2007
I got my wii today :) WIIII!! :p

Okay, i put my sensor bar ontop of our TV and there are no obsticals all the way untill the sofa, except there is a table infront if it ofc.

When i stand in the middle of the room i can use my Wii mote to controll the hand on the screen. But when i go back to sit on the sofa the hand dissapear and i cant use it. Have to get back to the room again.. The distance between the sofa and the TV is about 3 meters. Do i really have to stand that close to the tv?

Oh and other thing, the hand is jumpy all the time. Thats the way it suppose to be?
1. The range is more than 3 meters im sure. I've played from at least 7 meters
[Put some good batteries in that are fully charged and are a good brand]

2. The hand is jumpy because it's so senstive to your hand movements. Your hand will move anyways not many people can get a really steady hand don't worry about it

Brand New batteries will sort that out my friend

Happy Gaming - Smurf
I'm sure that the instruction booklet advises a distance of 3 - 6 meters is appropriate - although I can I can bowl from the width of front room and kitchen (through the doorway) which is roughly 7-8 meters and have no problems BUT COD3 and Rayman struggle from the wall to the sofa which is about 4.5m- no obsticles. Go figure.

As for the jumpy hand - does it flicker as well or just shake about - if no flicker then WiiSmurf if probably spot on.
Yeah but possibly bear in mind that Wiisports uses the gyroscopic motion sensors and you don't have to have the controller pointed directly at the screen like you do in Redsteel / COD3 ect ect - that could be the difference.

Still very very cool tho :lol:
The sensor bar is on top of the TV? try putting it on the bottom, maybe you're just too low to pick up when you're sitting on the couch.

You'll have to go into your Wii settings and set the bar to be on bottom before you start to play any games though.

Either that or some source of light and/or freak reflection (glass table?) is throwing it off. At school my TV stand is right in front of my dorm window. I know on bright days I have to shut the blinds on my window because the excess light flooding in the room from the window negates the tiny LEDs inside the bar.
maybe you tv is to low, and your sensor bar is have a hard time picking up the signal or what some other guy said, it could be the batteries. anyway just play around with it you'll find a perfect place for it eventually.:p
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Ty for all your answears :)

Well the TV is a 42" plasma mounted onto the wall. Top edge right infront of my eyes which is about 1m 70cm. Lowering the sensor bar just makes it more inaccurate.

I dont think it has to do with me getting to low or obsticles. It's all wood in our living room and when i go backwards with no changes on the height of the mote the hand just disspear at my current max range.

So i think it must be batteries. The included batteries are never that good.. Gonna buy a 2200 MAH rechargable batts. That a good idea? I recon 2200MAH is a strong battery.
about the jumpy hand, it could be there is too much light in the room and the controller kinda gets confused, it happens to me in the day because the room in which I have the wii has too many windows, on the contrary, at night, the hand movement is a lot more fluid...

also remember that just a wrist movement is enough, yo don't have to move your arm to point at the screen :)

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