Wii internet with bluetooth


WiiChat Member
Mar 17, 2007
i heard u can use the Nintendo USB Port thats goes into ur PC to make a wireless internet connection for the wii. Is it possible to make 1 with Bluetooth USB dongle. Becuz there bost usb ports . just wanted to know so i dont waste another 20-30-40 bucks
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i have tryed a google search and i found this place and i thought some1 could help me here :crazy:
It probably could be done, but it would be a pain in the ass and would be too slow to do anything useful with. TCP/IP over Bluetooth does work, however, frame encapsulation for IP is a choke-point with this solution. Just go wifi or get the usb adapter.
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how do u set it up like step by step with the bluetooth? just so i can get an idea so when i buy somethin else
troutt72x said:
how do u set it up like step by step with the bluetooth? just so i can get an idea so when i buy somethin else

You set it up the same way you'd set up any internet connection sharing, except it won't work because bluetooth is not WiFi, and the Wii is not looking for a bluetooth signal for internet access.

Even if you managed to set it up, the extreme bandwidth limitation of IP over bluetooth would make it near useless.
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