Wii internet issues please help.:(


WiiChat Member
May 18, 2007
hey guys, i have read theough the forums, and cant find anyone with my problem soo im going to post it ere :)

I have a Speedstream 4200 router, for my DSL and a Dlink switch connecting 2 other computers to my network. When i install my software for the nintendo Wifi USB connector i disable everything, except my internet connection. I install it and install the usb connecter on the Wii in connection 3 spot. The Wiis net works everytime, but when i got to reconnect the 2 other computers they dont work and when i get them working the Wiis net stops working and then i go through all that i wrote ere again, and well then im back to sqaure 1. Also i disconnected the 2 other computers for a couple of days the the Wiis net was fine until i rebooted the computer, and now it says a error code 52242, (Unable to connect to server).

Please help, cause im getting sick of reinstalling the USB connect every 2nd day :(

thx for all your help

What Funky Gibbon stated is probably the issue. the more things conected to your router the more fouled it can become. I had to set manual ip addresses to my wii. laptop, desktop and psp in order to solve the intermitent connection issues. now all run smoothly.
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hey guys i did wat u said about the static IP address. When i installed the USB wifi, it gave it self the IP of so i looked at my routers IP and its, so i went inside it and went to change it to but if keeps on making errors. So then i changed my switch to and my roommates computer to SO then i checked and rebooted everything and my roommate still doesnt have the internet and now my wii is off the internet. First it said could not find USB device so i unplugged and replugged it in, then it said error code 52142. and when i double click on the Wifi icon on my toolbar, where it is supposed to have my name, it has about 10 little rectangles where my name is supposed to be.

please help

thx for any replies


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