Wii Injury


Oct 17, 2006
Hey, Im new to the forums, but Ive had my wii since launch day.

So today was my last day of school before xmas break, im 14 by the way, and I brought my wii to school since all periods were just free periods. We played wii on a projector and the teacher also joined, and the first time he swung for tennis.. he hit his desk and blood started pouring out of his hand, litterally.

I guess Nintendo is serious when they show the warning message that nothing or no one is around you when you play.

It was a pretty fun day, wii at school. Check out these 2 videos.

Wii Geo Class

Wii Accident <-- it doesnt look like THAT much blood.. but it was
That looks like it was fun (my school would never let us do stuff like that:sad: ). Did you just use a regular projector?
If i brought anything like that to my school i would have to worry about it getting stolen...
Your school is so cool!! I wish I could do that, but everybody would laugh or I would get it confiscated. Do you attend a private school?
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yea it was a regular projector for their computer.. and no its not a private school
His fault :D Btw its not called a Wii Injury its called a Wiinjury
I did pretty much the same thing (Wii in school using a projector, not the injury) The last two days of term we had a Wii + 4 Wii Motes in and Wii Sports + Wii Play to play with. My computing teacher had no problems with us staying there all day, He joined in and so did a bunch of other teachers.
Lucky guy getting one on launch day. it looked cool. I also wouldnt be able to play it at school because we can't afford a projector. lol

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