wii glowing question


Guitar Hero
Sep 26, 2007
Oj Simpsons top secret mansion
Wii Online Code
ive had my wii for about 2 months now and everything is updated and working fine, but i was just wondering, my wii is off but it is glowing, is there a 4.0 update today or is it jus the wii connect24? cause i leave wii connect24 on and whenever i turn it off it never glows (i have wifi usb) wats going on?
well its in standby mode, off is when the light on the power button is red, orange light means standby with wiiconnect24 on, maybe you got a message, go check it
Normally means that Wiiconnect24 is active..check you're wiimails..that probly is why you're wii is showing it's godly light
Mine always glows orange when it's off and the blue light around the disk slot blinks if there are messages waiting.
If you want the light to stay on just don't read your messages or whatever.
Messages are really the only reason the light stays on, like others have said.
Sorry, posted in the wrong thread. Have no idea how that happened...
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