Wii Game Discount Deals


WiiChat Member
Jan 15, 2007
I was trying to find a thread with Wii game discount deals. Decided to start a fresh one.

Circuit City In Store Only Promotion (call to check availability, online status not available)
So I just got back from Circuit City. They have $20 off on the regular price of $49.99 for the game Rayman Raving Rabbids. I called 3 CC stores nearby. First two were sold out but the third one had 3 left.
So I went and bought myself one.
Yes, you are correct. I bought a copy of Rayman myself yesterday for $29.99. Believe it or not, it was marked at 49.99 with no indictation of discount until scanned at checkout but online shows this price. They also have Rampage total destruction for $29.99 and Metal Slug Anthology for $39.99.
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amdinside said:
Yes, you are correct. I bought a copy of Rayman myself yesterday for $29.99. Believe it or not, it was marked at 49.99 with no indictation of discount until scanned at checkout but online shows this price. They also have Rampage total destruction for $29.99 and Metal Slug Anthology for $39.99.
Yep. It is marked $49.99 in the store but when the guy scanned it, it was $29.99 as mentioned on the CC web site. So get yours while they last.

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