Wii Fit Designer Leaks Future Board Use?


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
Wii Online Code

We're not sure if this info is true or simply a mistranslation, but info escaping from a GDC presentation with Nintendo's Takao Sawano suggests that the company may be developing some type of boarding (we assume snowboarding) title set to make use of the Balance Board premiering with Wii Fit.

Sawano, who was instrumental in the development of the forthcoming Wii Fit, revealed that Shigeru Miyamoto wanted to the board to be a wide rectangular shape rather than square. The reasoning behind this is that most people line up their shoulders when performing many exercises. He further said that the design choice ended up being the correct one, as it turned out working great for their snowboarding title.

Again, we cannot confirm this information but we clearly heard mention of a boarding game by Sawano during the presentation. We've got a full interview planned for tomorrow, so we'll be sure to ask Nintendo about this then.

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well IGN interviewed reggie and he said 10 games are in dev. to use the board. PS Cant get a wii are you a mod? cause ive seen what looks like you closing threds and you always post news first.
I'm actually looking forward to WiiFit the price is kinda meh, but I'll try to get it : ) Other games for it sounds interesting. Maybe you have to jump on the scale for Mario to actually jump x3 gotta get a replacement(scale) every other level >.>
  • WiiFit for marketing Wii on excercise...
    • "hey look we sold more wiifits than wiiplays"
    • "yay for soaring WiiFit sales to prove it's healthy"
  • snowboarding game to make WiiFit sales boost further...
  • surfing game to boost WiiFit sales even more...
  • somewhere along the way Nintendo will find a spokesperson like Jared (Subway Sandwiches)
:lol::lol: ...yeah... i, gidget, am a profit.
Perfect, they could make a Gidgit Surfing game! It would also have dance elements of course.

Anyway, this snowboarding game sounds pretty good to me. Much better than WiiFit.
imagine the potential of this thing.
All this peripheral needs is some abstract thought and consideration.

Try this: And fps, which uses the motion sensitive aiming incorporated for the wii-mote, the nunchuck is used for character movement (analog stick), throwing of projectiles (grenades,etc via nunchuck accelerometers) and dodging bullets/blows is done via body movement (balance board).

All aspects incorporated into one seamless package offering the most immersing fps experience since VR helmets.
Extra Life Mushroom said:
Try this: And fps, which uses the motion sensitive aiming incorporated for the wii-mote, the nunchuck is used for character movement (analog stick), throwing of projectiles (grenades,etc via nunchuck accelerometers) and dodging bullets/blows is done via body movement (balance board).

I don't know if you know this or not, but there is already a 3rd party company working on a RPG game for the WiiBoard, Square D I believe. Also, the WiiBoard can tell whether or not you crouch up or down, so not only can you dodge left and right, you can hide behind by squatting.
Cant wait for this game. And Im very interested to see what they come up with for next games!
Samus101 said:
I hope this thing is very strong (even though it doesn't look like it), for... overweight people.

I know it was made stronger for american customers :p

But like someone said, reggie confirmed 10+ games in development using the balance board.
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illmasaki said:
i remember reading the next tony hawk would implement thw board too

That was a rumor.
Not sure if I would want that to be true or not, as I was quite disappointed with the last Tony Hawk Game on Wii.

I am excited for Wii Fit though, and the other games that the board could be used in :D

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